Blogging And Entrepreneurship – One Step At A Time

The Caminito in La Boca, Buenos Aires.

Image via Wikipedia

I am sat thinking what to write and all the blogs I have read recently are running through my mind so I think that’s a good place to start.

Firstly I have read a great guide on blogging and blog marketing from Hector J Cuevas that has a lot of really useful advice and tips on every relevant aspect. I now have to apologise Hector for not putting all your great advice in to practice yet, I am at such an early stage in my blogging journey and in the mood to write with out all the sensible preparation. Seeing as I have no audience I could just as well have written this on a piece of paper in my front room. I must add I have every intention of implementing all the advice one step at a time to fully analyse the results.

I have to now mention BA expat this is one of the first blogs I read on WordPress and my favourite. It was the author Zack’s birthday yesterday and only 26 his birthday wish is that his blogs are shared on Facebook which I’ve already done and you should too.

To start at the beginning in regard to BA expat’s posts, I literally read the first one due to the mention of Buenos Aires which I’ve visited and loved, such a beautiful country. On reading I discovered there are further synergies with my own passions firstly entrepreneurship, he offers great ideas to help establish a product or business for those keen to startup but yet to find their direction.
He also covers:
•market evaluation
•manufacturing in China and Taiwan
•negotiating with manufacturers
•outsourcing (especially for areas of personal weakness)
To name but a few from memory but inspiring tips with synergies to any sector or business.

He also focuses on the power of mind-set and the value of being fit, healthy, surrounded by succesful, ambitious people all being key factors to aid your own success.
Most importantly though a lot of BA expat’s blogs make my laugh out loud on several occasions as I read through them, which most comedians can’t do. It’s when he documents his experiences of living in a foreign country with limited language skills and his humility at laughing at himself with situations that arise, felling child like and vulnerable due to the language barrier.

I have to finish this here but I hope you enjoy the afore-mentioned posts as much as I did.

My Blog

I’m back in the US after a month in Buenos Aires. It has been a great adventure and I look forward to my return trip in 2 weeks.

Here are some ‘lessons learned’ so far…

1. Make Friends with Fellow Expats and Expat Entrepreneurs: To me, this is by far the most important thing one can do if they want to quickly ramp up. In BA (and I suspect many other cities) there are other people who have already been working abroad. These people are an invaluable resource for just about everything you can think of including housing, office space, laws, and staffing. I’ve found its exceptionally easy to meet other expats because you instantly have something interesting to talk about (living abroad). Leverage your existing network to find people in your new country.

2. Make Friends with Locals: Also very very important. Make friends with locals wherever possible. Locals…

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